Registration Timeline

Early Registration: March 31st - May 31st

Regular Registration: May 31st - September 5th

Delegation Fees

Early Registration Regular Registration

Small Delegation Fee $125 $175

Large Delegation Fee $225 $325

*Large Delegations are those with 10 or more delegates

Delegate fees

Early Registration $95

Regular Registration $110

*Delegations are required to pay a fee for each individual member of their team in addition to registration fees


  1. Registration Link.

  2. Register as Guest; Do not register with Columbia UNI.

  3. Enter your primary contact information; Conference logistics and updates will be sent using this information.

  4. Select Appropriate Fees; Please refer to fee descriptions to correctly select those you need.

  5. Enter your Payment Information; Online Payment can only be made by card.

    • If not paying by card, Select ‘Pay by Other Method’; contact to specify your method of payment. Your delegation will not be considered registered until you verify your method of payment.

  6. Receive Confirmation Email; This email will only display the number of tickets purchased. You will receive an email from the Secretariat shortly after with receipt of payment and hotel booking information enclosed.

Refund Policy

Cancellations after August 1, 2024, will result in a 50% refund. Cancellations after September 1, 2024, will result in a 25% refund. Cancellations after September 10, 2024, will be non-refundable. Registrants will be held responsible and liable for any additional transaction fees incurred from the refund process.

Please contact us at with any questions or concerns.